Where did the moon come from?
The most widely-accepted naturalistic theory is the "Giant Impact Theory."
It states that on day, long ago, a Mars-sized object struck the earth, throwing massive amounts of debris into Earth’s orbit.
Later, the earth slowly regained its shape and the debris coalesced into the moon.
One major problem, according to DeYoung and Whitcomb, is the earth’s Roche limit. In 1849 Edouard Roche demonstrated mathematically that if a moon was too close to it’s planet (within 2.44 planetary radii), the planet’s gravity would exceed the moon’s and essentially pull it apart.
Thankfully, our moon is 21 times as far away as the breakup distance. Considering the precision required to establish a moon-planet relationship, naturalistic origin theories face some formidable questions.
Other questions about the Giant Impact Theory include figuring out why the impact didn't throw Earth out of the Solar System OR at least into a wonky orbit path. And what caused the moon to stop where it did as it ricocheted off the earth? And what happened to the Mars-sized object that started this process?
Not a very good theory.
With over 100 moons in our solar system, these questions are compounded even more.
If you can, get your hands on "Our Created Moon" by Don DeYoung and John Whitcomb. There you will find lots of information that points to a Designer being in charge of the moon.
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